The bone deep, cellular level aching in my body for friendship in this space in the world, friendship that is easeful and real cannot be understated. Friendship that sees you and holds you. That fills you up, even in the hard times. That doesn’t shut you out or expect you to always be a container for them. Friendship that isn’t full of unsaid hurts and secrets. Friendship that includes you instead of feeling like an afterthought.
Watching others in groups, laughing and doting on each other, it creates an ache in me that cannot be soothed.
Having people get mad at you for having no space to hold them in a moment because you have constantly overextended yourself in the past and are just trying to find your way back to yourself, living in a body that scares you. It’s crushing.
I wish for friendship here that includes me. That thinks of me when I’m not around or initiating contact.
I wish to be included. That’s the crux of it all.