The Bee Charmer

Photo by me.
 For years I have been thinking about being a beekeeper. When I first brought it up to Joey, he thought I was batty. But then you-know-who became a hobbyist mead maker, aka HONEY wine, and he rethought my beekeeping plans. Hopefully by next year we will be able to move to a small farm where we can have animals and bees. I am not sure I want to try urban beekeeping where we live at. For now, I'm still just dreaming about the day I become a bee charmer. Bee inspired photos for you.
You better believe my colonies will be painted funky! Source.
Cut honeycomb I got on our trip to New Orleans. Um, YUM!
Two of my favorite things. Bees and mandalas. Check out this awesome store!
Gorgeous honeycomb ring by Roots and Feathers.

Ahhh, someday. The honeybee makes me happy. The other day, a bee came into our house and as Joey rolled up a workbook to smack it I stopped him and asked him to guide it outside. As a child when I got stung I was so upset because I knew when bees stung that it was a death sentence. One year my dad dressed me up as a honeybee for Halloween. However, my older sister was a flower and my oldest sister was a can of Raid. Tacky? Maybe but it was hilariously awesome.

 Peace and Love.