When life hands you lemons?

Yesterday was a hard day here. My patience was low, Leena's patience was low and I was exhausted. After a huge meltdown from Leena and she was finally able to calm down I got my Citrus Bliss oil from DōTERRA. I mixed it with some coconut oil and let Leena smell it and I smelled it as well. It's divine. Then I proceeded to rub it all over myself and Leena. We were walking orangesicles. Happy orangesicles.
 It helped me focus and clean as well. Cleaning and I don't get along. I am more motivated to clean lately though because my yearly spazoid freakout with wanting to move has come around again and we are seriously ready to move forward with it now. The last two years I've gone through a crazy, "I HATE THIS HOUSE AND WANT TO MOVE AND I WANT TO MOVE NOW" period but it was never really feasible. Now, it's time. We are ready to move to a house with more land. Land to grow a substantial amount of our food. Land to have chickens and farm animals for pets. Land to rescue animals and foster them till we find them forever homes. Land to have our daughters be able to roam and explore. Chase faeries and dragonflies. Land to spread our wings. So. This is happening. And I've never been more motivated to clean in my life.

Let's do this citrus bliss.

Peace and Love.