Whirlwind and on the road again

So after a whirlwind of a Friday and Saturday: my camera broke during a photo shoot, got called to photograph a birth about 1 hour after the camera broke, had to pick up a friend's camera to borrow, headed to the birth center to hear the mom wasn't dilated that much, ran home to nurse the baby because she was beside herself and wouldn't take my pumped milk from a bottle for daddy, told the midwife to call me back if they needed me, got called back to hear that she was fully dilated (in the span of about 2 hours), rushed back to the birth center and got there 12 minutes after the baby was born, phew, yeah. I'm tired. But today I'm heading out to Texas to see my great friend Laura! I'm so so excited. We'll be shooting the new lookbook for The Bohemian Collective. I'm so thrilled to be able to contribute in one of the best ways I know how. And plus the camera breaking was a blessing in disguise. My husband and I were talking about how it was time to upgrade my camera soon anyways because it was probably on it's last leg, foreshadowing, and now I have a shiny new camera heading my way...well heading my way when I'll be at Laura's. We get to test it out and be super girly and excitable.

Here's a glimpse at what my old camera was doing.

So I will still be blogging while at Laura's here and there but I have some amazing guest posts lined up for you this week! You don't want to miss them. Super amazing girls full of heart and soul. Each post is beautiful and each post is so unique.

Tomorrow I'll be back, and I'm going to make Laura help, to announce the winner of the giveaway. If you haven't entered yet go check it out! It closes tonight at 11:59pm central time!

Peace and Love.