Community Care isn't abusive.

This year there has been a mass rising against the damage of the colonial and the capitalistic landscape we know as daily life in the United States of America. At this point most are aware of the horrors of billionaires and Jeff Bezos dangerous presence to us all. Yes? We can agree here that his greed knows no bounds? Yes? I get it, I loathe him and what he has created.

So how did we turn the onus from him to low income individuals who are trapped in shopping through Amazon as a means to survive? I’ve been increasingly concerned over the rash of single, white women who are now screaming at those who rely on the discounts given by Amazon just to make it through day to day. Are those discounts available because of the exploitation of humans? Absolutely. Are there any other really viable options for those who are struggling? No.

Switching over products you need monthly to different a company isn’t a simple fix and in the long term, just transfers the problem with the guise of saving the world. People may not have the spoons to give to the process of switching over to a different retailer but also, financially it does comes at a huge cost. For most, it is not about the 2 day shipping, it’s about the money savings. Caring for a family is expensive and most are just scraping by, especially in the age of the pandemic. So to scream at others who are caring for families or just trying to scrape by by themselves, telling them they are selfish and just fine with the exploitation of workers and that they are just making excuses is an exceptionally abusive move in this late stage capitalistic hellscape we are currently riding through.

Putting the stress on poor people to fix the horrors of late-stage capitalism is PEAK privilege.

Shaming individuals for doing what they can to scrape by is PEAK classism.

Until corporations are properly held accountable by the powers that actually control the system, yelling at individuals isn’t going to change the destruction. Individuals, who I might add, that are most likely doing all they can to care for the environment and their fellow humans to the best of their abilities already.

Maybe the answer should be again, re-evaluating the efficacy of some well placed guillotines.